Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Jason Salavon

Salavon takes the digital world into a different perspective, especially into the technology aspect. His breakdown of frames into coding is the under layer and perspective we, as viewers and artists, do not look to right away. This process, in its final stage, gives a muted town, but the emotional and psychological interpretations are deeper once you realize what the image is such as in Salavon’s 100 Special Moments: Little League, Graduation, Wedding, and Santa. This series really questions as to how society has cultivated expectations of highlights in events. For instance, if you were to apply this method to a 21st birthday in the USA (in order to appeal to an audience of both young, old, and even around 21) you would more than likely get an overall photo of a person with a 21st hat/sash taking a shot/holding a drink; or even apply this to the U.S. Presidential portraits as well (This image would be nice to see because of the race of each president and the ages of the presidents). Another series of images I would like to see is of every major terrorist or wars event across the world displayed out like the Titanic piece. Our life, with the utilization of social media documentation, has been dictated to conform to standards to prove we (individually) have a life.

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